In the Farrowing House:
1 room with 20 sows/cycle
wean 8 pigs per sow
Before Ozone: 10-lb weaning weight
After Ozone: 15% increase in weaning
weight with ozone for same farrowing period: 10lb weaning weight
leads to $1.5/piglet added gain
Extra Benefits:
decreases E-Coli scours (up to 75%)
decreases number of pigs laid (up to 50%)
on because of increased sow comfort
increases sow feed consumption (up to
20%), which means better milking for piglets
better working environment because of
improved air quality
* Savings may be less because of increased
sow feed consumption
In the Nursery:
Assume: 300 pigs/cycle – 1/10th-lb
increase in daily gain.
1-lb gain every 10 days, or 3-lb added
gain over one month.
Value of pig: $1/lb
Added value/cycle:
$1/lb x 3-lb x 300 pigs/cycle = $900/cycle
x 9 turns/year = $8,100/year **
Extra Benefits:
better feed conversion (from 1.61 to 1.44)
because of healthier growing environment
decreases or effectively controls the
major swine diseases such as PRRS, Rhinitis, Pneumonia, and E-Coli scours
reduces Staph and Strep Infections (up
to 50%)
reduces Grease Pig (up to 90%)
better working environment because of
improved air quality
** Savings may be less because of increased
feed consumption
In the Finisher:
No statistical data is available for
finisher hogs.
Ozone provides a healthier environment
which leads to a faster growth rate and a greater turnover of pigs. On
a Doon, IA test farm, hogs go to market 3 weeks earlier than hogs without
Extra Benefits
decreases or effectively controls PRRS,
Rhinitis and Pneumonia (up to 90%)
reduces death loss (possibly down to 1.5%)