Added 2 switching transistors to get all digits working
Added cds light sensor to change led brightness according to current
light conditions
Led color is white, but is hard to photograph - looks white and not
blurry in real life
changed from intenal oscillator to external crystal oscillator- time is
very accurate now
led looks blue here, but looks white in real life
added rotary encoder w/switch
New Tek TDS2012B
Adjusting probe
Hooked up to cds photocell, 120hz ripple from flourescent lights.
Hooked up to crystal pin on ATmenga168, 8Mhz crystal
rotary encoder- one direction - CH2 goes low before CH1
with 0.1uF capacitor
rotary encoder- the other direction - CH1 goes low before CH2
with 0.1uF capacitor
THIS BOARD IS CAUSING ME GRIEF! Intermittant power- I need a higher
power magifier to look the board over