
// csRTOS.c 2-MAY-04 Atmel/Circuit Cellar contest entry number A3650

// Multitasking with small AVRs - a cooperative multitasking demo
// for the ATMEL STK-200 breadboard.
// This demo code uses I/O specific to the STK-200 breadboard, but
// it should be easy to write similar code for any ATMEL micro.

// This cooperative single-stack RTOS (csRTOS) is coded mostly
// in C. Smaller RAM requirements and faster task switching can be
// achieved by coding the C library routines <setJump.h>
// and <longjmp.h> in assembly language, as is done here.

// This code was written and tested using the free WinAVR C compiler.
// It should work with any standard C compiler. With slight modifications
// the code has been run using the Codevision and Imagecraft compilers.
// Warning: The Codevision compiler has many bugs.

// CSRTOS requires two simple rules to work:

// 1) Operating calls that may result in task switches can occur only
// at the top level of a task. That is, you cannot make os calls
// from subroutines called within a task.

// 2) Local variables of a task subroutine are not preserved across
// os calls. If you need to preserve the value of a local, declare
// it to be "static" (or perhaps "register", see comments below).

// The following psuedo-code shows some things that work and some that
// don't.


void aFunc(void) {
osCall(something); // THIS WILL NOT WORK - os calls can be made
// only at the task level, never from routines
// called by task code (except for the few os calls
// that do not result in task switches).

void aTask(void) { // All tasks are declared like this.
int i; // A variable local to the task. It is OK
// to have local variables, but their values
// are not preserved across os calls.
osTASK_INIT; // All tasks must start with this.
for(;;) { // All tasks should start with this.
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) osCALL(something); // DOES NOT WORK!
// To make this call work, define i to be
// static. Above should be: static int i;
aFunc(); // This does not work! See the comments above.


#define I32 long int
#define U32 unsigned long int
#define U8 unsigned char
#define U16 unsigned int

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

// Task related declarations go here. Tasks are subroutines that are
// declared to return void, with no parameters. They are written to
// never return. Each task has a number, 0 through 7 in this
// implementation. It would be very easy to allow for 16 tasks
// instead of 8.

// The priority of a task is fixed at compile time, and is equal to
// the task number. Lower numbers correspond to higher priority.

// The tasks are listed here, in no particular order.

void blinkTask(void);
void clockTask(void);
void randomBlinkTask(void);
void adcTask(void);
void setClockTask(void);

// The task numbers are given by an enum.
// It is vital that the order of the task addresses in startAdr[nTasks]
// is the same as the order they are listed in the enum.
// NOTE: the last entry in the enum is "nTasks" - it is NOT a task,
// but serves to define the number of tasks.

enum {blinkTaskNumber,clockTaskNumber,randomBlinkTaskNumber,adcTaskNumber,\

// There are three arrays of constants that are stored in flash to save ram:
// 1) a byte array of powers of 2
// 2) a word array of powers of 10
// 3) a word array of task starting addresses

// In an ideal world these would be declared to be const arrays, and the compiler would put them
// in rom or flash. In the real world some compilers (including WinAVR) require something
// extra to get constants into flash. Check the assembly language generated by your compiler.
// Some compilers will put this both in flash AND in ram - a waste of memory.

const U8 two2nArray[] PROGMEM = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128};
// used to convert a task number
// to the corresponding bit in rtr.
const U16 ten2nArray[] PROGMEM = {0,1,10,100,1000,10000}; // used by int2ascii conversion

// To initialize tasks (see main() below) it is useful to have a rom array giving the
// starting address of each tasks. List the tasks in the same order as in the enum.

const int startAdr[nTasks] PROGMEM = {(int)blinkTask,(int)clockTask,(int)randomBlinkTask,\

// Semaphores are defined here. Eash semaphore uses two bytes: one
// has a bit set for each task waiting for the semaphore, and the
// other contains the number of the task that owns the semaphore.
// If the semaphore is available, the owner byte will be 255.
// Semaphores are numbered sequentially from zero.

enum {CRTSEMA,nSemas}; // The semaphore number for each semaphore.
// As for the task enumeration, the last entry
// is not a semaphore, but defines the number
// of semaphores.

U8 wantSema[nSemas]; // One bit high for each task waiting for the sema.
U8 semaOwner[nSemas]; // Task number of sema owner, or 255 if sema is available.

// Global variables used by CSRTOS:

volatile U8 rtr; // If a task is ready to run, a bit corresponding to
// the task number is set in rtr. If you want to
// allow up to 16 tasks, use a U16 variable for rtr.

volatile U8 thisTask; // The number of the currently running task.

U8 ticks[nTasks]; // If a task is suspended for ticks,
// the corresponding variable will be non-zero.
// With a tick period of 20 mSec, a task can be
// delayed for up to 5 seconds. If longer delays
// are required, simply call osWAIT() several
// times (perhaps in a for() loop - but be sure to
// use a "static" loop variable).

U32 clockTicks; // for keeping clock time
U8 taskSpace[nTasks*3]; // Three bytes of status information are kept for each
// suspended task
U8 secs,mins,hrs;
U8 clockSet; // 1 to set minutes, 2 to set hours
char crtBuf[20]; // A buffer for characters to send to CRT.
U8 crtBufN; // The number of the next character to send.
PGM_P romAdr; // used to access bytes stored in flash

U8 two2n(U8 n) {
romAdr = &(two2nArray[n]);
return pgm_read_byte(romAdr);

U16 ten2n(U8 n) {
romAdr = (char*)&(ten2nArray[n]);
return pgm_read_word(romAdr);

// Macros for operating system calls. If a higher priority task is ready to run,
// an os call will result in the suspension of the calling task and the resumption
// of the higher priority one. Exceptions: osSET_RTR and osCLEAR_RTR do not result
// in a task switch.

#define osWAIT(ticks) if (saveTask(getAdr()) == 0) __wait(ticks)
#define osTASK_INIT if(saveTask(getAdr()) == 0) return
#define osYIELD if(saveTask(getAdr()) == 0) __schedule()
#define osSUSPEND if(saveTask(getAdr()) == 0) __wait(0)
#define osCLEAR_RTR(task) rtr = rtr & ~two2n(task)
#define osSET_RTR(task) rtr |= two2n(task)
#define osGET_SEMA(semaNumber) if(saveTask(getAdr()) == 0) __getSema(semaNumber)
#define osRELEASE_SEMA(semaNumber) if(saveTask(getAdr()) == 0) __releaseSema(semaNumber)

// Task switching occurs only when a task makes certain os calls. After an os call the highest
// priority task that is ready to run (rtr) is resumed.
// The os calls give the following functionality:

// osWAIT(ticks) suspends the calling task for some number of ticks. In this implementation
// there are 64 ticks per second, or about 16 mSec per tick.
// osTASK_INIT must be called for each task, before starting multitasking. The initialization
// code in main() takes care of this.
// osYIELD resumes the highest priority task that is rtr. The rtr status of the calling
// task is not changed - so if it is the highest priority rtr it immediately resumes.
// osSUSPEND makes the calling task not rtr. Usually it will be made rtr at some future
// time by an interrupt service routine or by another task.
// osCLEAR_RTR(task) clears the rtr bit of the given task, but DOES NOT call the scheduler
// for a task switch.
// osSET_RTR(task) sets the rtr bit of the given task, but DOES NOT call the scheduler
// for a task switch.
// osGET_SEMA(number) makes the calling task the owner of the given semaphore. If the semaphore
// is not available the task is suspended. When the semaphore becomes available the highest
// priority task that is waiting for it is set rtr. As with most os calls, a call to this
// routine results in a task switch if a higher priority task is rtr.
// osRELEASE_SEMA(number) releases the semaphore, which results in another task being set
// rtr if another task is waiting for the semaphore. Of course a task should not release
// a semaphore unless it owns it - no error checking is done for this condition.

// REDEFINING setJump(), longjmp(), and jmp_buf: NOT REQUIRED!

// csRTOS can be written entirely in c, using the above routines from the standard c library.
// For smaller code size and greater speed, this demo uses similar routines with different
// names, coded in assembly language.

// The redefined setJump() and longjmp are called saveTask() and restoreTask().
// Coding in assembly language gives smaller code and faster task switching, because setJump()
// et al save more registers than is necessary. If you want to code in assembly for some micro,
// take a look at the code generated by the compiler for the standard routines, and use that
// as a template.

// NOTE: here is a detail that will be of interest only if you really want to completely
// understand how all this works. If you use setJump() et al, it is possible to preserve
// the values of local variables across OS calls if the variables are "register" variables.
// This is because setJump() saves all the necessary registers. However, the compiler is
// not required to actually put variables defined as register in registers, so you must
// look at the code generated to see if they are (or just write some little code to test).
// This technique may save some space, because "static" variables will use up some RAM,
// and "register" variables will not (except for the jmp_buf space that is required for
// the registers whether they are used or not).
// As a further complication, many compilers will keep a few local variables in registers
// even if they are not declared to be register variables. You can ignore this if you want,
// it just means that some local variables may be preserved across os calls.


// These functions are normally not called from user code, except via the supplied os macros.

// The schedule function finds the highest priority task that is rtr, and resumes it.
// If no task is rtr, the code waits until one is. In real application
// code you may want to put the CPU in a low power mode when no task is rtr.

// You can use a 256 byte array to more quickly find the highest priority task that is
// ready to run (if you have enough eeprom or flash space available).
// If you want to allow 16 tasks, use a U16 for rtr, and look at the low order byte of
// rtr first. If it is zero, look at the high order byte.

U16 getAdr(void) {
return (U16)(taskSpace+3*thisTask); // Returns the address of the first byte of
// the space used to store a task's state info.
U8 saveTask(U16 adr) { // saves data stack pointer and return address
asm("mov r26,r24"); // get address of current task
asm("mov r27,r25");

asm("pop r24"); // get return address
asm("pop r25");
asm("push r25"); // put RA back on return stack
asm("push r24");
asm("st x+,r24"); // save RA in taskSpace array
asm("st x+,r25");
asm("st x+,r28"); // save data stack pointer
return 0; //

U8 restoreTask(U16 adr) { // restores data stack pointer and return address
asm("mov r26,r24"); // get address of current task
asm("mov r27,r25"); // this will always be zero on AT90S4433
asm("ldi r28,0xDF"); // reset return stack pointer
asm("out 0x3D,r28");
asm("ld r24,x+"); // get return address
asm("ld r25,x+");
asm("push r25"); // note: could use an indirect jump here
asm("push r24");
asm("ld r28,x+"); // get data stack pointer
return 1;

void __schedule(void) {
U8 osTemp;
while(rtr == 0) {}; // could put CPU in low power mode here
osTemp = rtr;
thisTask = 0;
while ((osTemp & 1) == 0) { // find highest priority
osTemp >>= 1;
thisTask += 1;

// thisTask = lsBit[rtr]; // Find the highest priority task that is rtr. Do this if
// the array lsBit[256] is used.
restoreTask(getAdr()); // Resume the new task.


// Suspend the calling task for some number of ticks.
// Calling this with nTicks=0 will result in a
// suspension that will not be resumed by ticks,
// but can only be resumed by an ISR or another
// task setting the rtr bit.

void __wait(U8 nTicks) {
ticks[thisTask] = nTicks;

void __getSema(U8 semaNumber) { // Aquire a semaphore, or suspend.
if (semaOwner[semaNumber] == 255) semaOwner[semaNumber] = thisTask;
else {
wantSema[semaNumber] |= two2n(thisTask);

void __releaseSema(U8 semaNumber) {
U8 temp,osTemp;
temp = two2n(thisTask);
wantSema[semaNumber] &= ~temp;
osTemp = wantSema[semaNumber];
if (osTemp != 0) { // someone else wants the sema
temp = 0;
while ((osTemp & 1) == 0) { // find highest priority
osTemp >>= 1;
temp += 1;
semaOwner[semaNumber] = temp;
else semaOwner[semaNumber] = 255;

///////// ISR CODE /////////////////

SIGNAL (SIG_INTERRUPT0) { // Press the switch on external interrupt 0 to bump the minutes.
clockSet = 1;

SIGNAL (SIG_INTERRUPT1) { // Press the switch on external interrupt 1 to bump the hours.
clockSet = 2;

SIGNAL (SIG_ADC){ // This isr just clears the ADC interrupt flag.

SIGNAL (SIG_OVERFLOW0) { // Timer0 overflows every 4 mSec.
static U8 delay;
U8 i;

if((clockTicks+=4096) >= 1000000) {

if ((delay -= 1) == 0) { // Every 20 mSec update the wait timers for tasks that are waiting.
for (i = 0; i < nTasks; i++) {
if (ticks[i]) { // this task is counting
ticks[i] -= 1;
if (ticks[i]==0) { // this task is now ready to run.
delay = 5; // about 20.5 mS total delay

char toSend;
if ((toSend = crtBuf[crtBufN++])) { // If there is another non-zero character in the
UDR = toSend; // buffer, send it.
else { // done sending zero-terminated crtBuf[]
osSET_RTR(semaOwner[CRTSEMA]); // Whomever had the CRT semaphore can run again now.

//////// End of ISR code //////////////

// Extra bonus!!! The following psuedo-random number generator is of high statistical quality
// and does not require any multiplies or divides, so it is fast on small micros.
// An article describing it should appear in Circuit Cellar magazine soon after
// the Atmel design contest is over.

#define M 0x7FFFFFFF // 2^31-1, the modulus used by the psuedo-random
// number generator prng().
I32 prng(I32 x) { // a good random number generator; call with 1 <= x <= M-1
x = (x >> 16) + ((x << 15) & M)
- (x >> 21) - ((x << 10) & M);
if (x < 0) x += M;
return x;

void int2ascii(U16 x, U8 width, char* buffer, U8 slz) { // converts ints to ascii.
// This code does not require multiplies or divides.

while (width > 0) {
*buffer = '0';
while (x >= ten2n(width)) {
*buffer += 1;
x -= ten2n(width);
if(slz) {
if ((*buffer == '0') && (width > 1)) *buffer = ' ';
else slz = 0;
width -= 1;
buffer += 1;
*buffer++ = 10;
*buffer++ = 13;
*buffer++ = 0;

void blinkTask(void) { // Just about the simplest possible task.
for(;;) {
PORTB &= !0x01; // Turn on the LED on PORTB.0
osWAIT(15); // Wait about 0.3 seconds
PORTB |= 0x01; // Turn off the LED on PORTB.0
osWAIT(85); // Wait about 1.7 secs

void setClockTask(void) { // Set the clock. When incrementing minutes the
osTASK_INIT; // seconds are set to zero.
for(;;) {
if (clockSet & 1) {
secs = 0;
mins += 1;
if(mins > 59) mins = 0;
if (clockSet & 2) {
hrs += 1;
if(hrs > 23) hrs = 0;

osWAIT(10); // wait 200 ms for debounce
GIFR = 0; // clear external interrupt flags

void clockTask(void) { // Write the time to the CRT and blink an LED.
for(;;) {
clockTicks -= 1000000;
PORTB ^= 0x02; // toggle the PORTB.1 LED
secs += 1; // NOTE: this task blinks the LED at "exactly"
if (secs > 59) { // a two second period, while blinkTask blinks at
mins += 1; // a period of approximately 2 seconds.
secs -= 60;
if (mins > 59) {
hrs += 1;
mins -= 60;
osGET_SEMA(CRTSEMA); // suspend until crt semaphore is avail
int2ascii(hrs,2,crtBuf,0); // last param: include leading zeros
crtBuf[2] = ':';
crtBuf[5] = ':';
crtBufN = 1; // index of next char to send
UDR = crtBuf[0]; // send the first char
osSUSPEND; // wait for crt ISR to set rtr when finished sending

void randomBlinkTask(void) { //Blinks the LED on PORTB.2 at psuedo-random intervals
static I32 prn = 1; // An initial value, 1 <= prn < 2^31-1
for(;;) {
PORTB &= ~4; // turn PORTB.2 LED on
prn = prng(prn);
osWAIT((U8)(prn & 0x3F) + 1); // Wait 4 mSec to about 0.25 seconds
PORTB |= 4; // turn LED off
prn = prng(prn);
osWAIT((U8)(prn & 0x3F)+1);

void adcTask(void) { // Measures the band gap voltage, nominally 1.22 volts.
U16 result;
U8 low;
for(;;) {
ADCSR |= 0x40; // start adc conversion
osYIELD; // don't do suspend because isr may make rtr before suspend executes!
low = ADCL;
result = ADCH;
result = (result << 8) + low;
//low = 0; // NOTE: strcpy does not work with codevision compiler
//crtBuf[0] = 'B';
//crtBuf[1] = 'G';
//crtBuf[2] = '=';
strcpy(crtBuf,"BG = ");
result <<= 1; // 2 mv per count with 2.046 volt reference. Adjust the pot
// on the STK200 board for a reference of 2.046 volts.
crtBufN = 1; // index of next char to send
UDR = crtBuf[0]; // send the first char
osWAIT(150); // wait approx 3 seconds

int main(void)

PORTB=0x07; // turn off the first 3 LEDs

// Port D initialization

DDRD=0x02; // uart xmtr

// Timer/Counter 0 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: 62.500 kHz
TIMSK = 0x02; // enables timer0 overflow int

// UART initialization
// Communication Parameters: 8 Data, 1 Stop, No Parity
// UART Transmitter: On
// UART Baud rate: 9600
UBRR = 25; // 9600 baud with 4 MHz xtal
UCSRB = 0x48; // enable uart xmtr and ints

// ADC initialization

ADMUX = 0x40; // select ADC band-gap reference
ADCSR = 0x8E; // Enable ADC & ints, clock / 64 = 62.5 KHz

MCUCR = 0x0A; // external interrupts on falling edge
GIMSK = 0xC0; // enable external interruputs

for (thisTask = 0; thisTask < nSemas; thisTask++) { // using thisTask for a different purpose here
//wantSema[thisTask] = 0; // Nobody wants the semaphore. NOTE: not required as
semaOwner[thisTask] = 0xFF; // c initializes variables to zero.

for (thisTask = 0; thisTask < nTasks; thisTask++) {
romAdr = (char*)&(startAdr[thisTask]); // get address of task address array in flash
romAdr = (void*)pgm_read_word(romAdr); // get starting address of thisTask from flash
((U8 (*)(void)) romAdr)(); // call the task to initialize it

osSET_RTR(blinkTaskNumber); // Set some tasks ready to run.

asm("sei"); // enable interrupts.

__schedule(); // go start multitasking.
